Single-use containers are about 8.5% of our obscene carbon footprint in the U.S., if we include all the underlying impacts, such as land and energy to mine and log raw materials, energy of transportation, landfill space and associated methane emissions. This means that we can all help our planet a lot by buying bulk products. To be clear, bulk doesn't mean buying a whole bunch of something, in the context of environmental sustainability, it means buying products without the container, or in a container that can be reused and refilled. You can buy 1 oz of curry powder at a bulk store, and that's bulk, even if it's just one ounce. After you use the product, you go back and refill it.

Yes, it takes a bit of initiative to find a source for bulk, but isn't our planet worth it? Start buying bulk, and see how much waste you can reduce. You'll be pleasantly surprised at how much money you can save by paying for the product without paying for a new container every time.
Stores that have Aspire bulk products are listed on the retailer page of the Aspire Colorado Website. A link to a wonderful article from Sustainable Jungle lists several Colorado bulk stores, with a short description of each store. Aspire is one of the stores listed, and Aspire products can be found in many of these stores!
Another great resource is, which also lists several bulk stores.
A great new bulk store that started in Boulder, Nude Foods, has also opened a store in Denver. Nude Foods takes it to the next level, you can actually get potato chips that are organic and locally made in returnable jars, as well as vegan mayonnaise, vegan ice cream, and eggs. You can even get your fruits and veggies there, and most of it is organic!
Check out the bulk stores near you, and make a personal goal to reduce single-use containers by buying bulk! It's important.